Security Crisis

The Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Cert, and other private organization continue to raise concerns about the significant vulnerabilities that exist in U.S. Information Technology (IT) infrastructure (e.g. computers, operating systems, phones, software, servers, databases, and networks).

Our economy has become significantly dependent on our IT infrastructure to conduct almost all business and this trend continues to expand. Unfortunately, there is reason to believe that a highly coordinated and sophisticated attempt to disrupt the operations of this infrastructure could succeed. Clearly, our networks and computers are vulnerable to attacks where even unsophisticated high schools students can inflict more economic costs than a Florida hurricane.

Attacks come in many forms. Hacking is where a user gains direct control over a computer, usually by thwarting the log-in and firewall mechanisms. Viruses are self replicating code fragments that infect computers automatically. Trojan horses are social tricks, where the user is tricked into executing hostile code by appearing to be something else.

The current responses to these security threats is a reactive one, typified by updating virus software and downloading various application and operating system software patches. The weakness with a reactive response is that it typically occurs only after an attack has been successful. It takes time to identify new attacks, it takes time to update the virus filters and security holes in the operating systems and other software, and it takes time to distribute these new updates to all of the computers on the network. During all of this time, significant damage is occurring to the economy.

The reactive response does provide increased security but at great risk. Reactive responses require that the filters be continually updated, and because each new attack requires a customized response, even hundreds of people can’t properly keep up with all of the attacks. These reactive programs, in an attempt to combat the attacks, continue to grow in complexity and size causing a signification reduction in machine performance, plus they tend to introduce new defects and more vulnerabilities, and negatively impact worker productivity.

We have been fortunate that no enemy has really released a truly morphing virus, which continually changes form and method of attack. Such a virus resists all standard filter attempts. We have been fortunate that no enemy has tried more subtle attacks; such as changing just a few of the numbers in every spreadsheet on a machine and then deleting itself. These types of attacks could bring a halt to the information economy as companies spend trillions of dollars trying to sort out good data from compromised data.

So, what conditions have most led to our current crisis of vulnerability? Interestingly enough it is our historic strengths in mass production and uniformity that cause these vulnerabilities. Currently, all of our machines are fundamentally the same. If you can successfully infect one machine you can successfully infect most of the machines. Hundreds of millions of machines in government, business, and private homes all have the same software installed, the exact same version, they look exactly alike. If you break one machine, you have successfully broken a hundred million machines.

Note, these vulnerabilities are almost impossible to eliminate simply by better programming.

We need a new solution. A solution that takes the hundreds of millions of existing machines that all are exactly alike and makes them all dramatically different—automatically. We need a proactive active strategy to protect against infection, before a new attack is even conceived. A proactive solution does not wait to see how computers are compromised and then add a new filter to stop that attack. Instead, the system leverage the best of encryption, advanced pattern detection, and proprietary polymorphic behavior (i.e. continually changing forms) to insure that a virus, hacker, or Trojan has no place to go.

A proactive solution continues to work even if a machine in successfully attacked, that machine automatically identifies the attack and actively attempts to remove it and restore operations.

A proactive security world has all of the machines expressing in different forms. If any individual machine is compromised, it is highly unlikely that that technique can be used to attack any other machine. A system acting more like a human body, responding automatically to infection by changing its defensive forms until the hostile code can no longer survive. Our machines must actively fight infection.

This will only be accomplished by taking a fundamentally different approach to the problem. We must leveraging the power of the processors already in the computer to full advantage as security processors. Security must become a fundamental property of the machine, not an afterthought downloaded from a virus software vendor. No virus updates and search patterns to download. No large teams attempting to respond to the latest attack. No single points of failure.

In a way, the machine is becoming more self-aware. Using the resources of the computer and the processors to build, monitor, and continually change defenses on that machine that are totally unique to that machine. In this way, almost all of the security holes and vulnerabilities that currently exist in our IT infrastructure can be closed.

Of course, these technique must run quickly and compactly and not require a lot of additional resources. The techniques must scale both up and down the spectrum, allowing for a style of security to be applied to all computational devices from mainframes, to servers, to desktops, to laptop computers, to hand-held devices and cell phones.

Our economy has become too dependent on IT infrastructure to allow security to be handled haphazardly.

It is time for drastic change.