A Few Feedback Loops

People have been asking about Feedback Loops for the new “Toast” methodology, or should it be the “Loops” methodology. Here are some more Feedback Loops that happen on the second by second basis if you pair program:

1. As a Loops Team Member I want to have my code reviewed by my partner on a second by second basis so I greatly reduce the errors I check in.

2. As a Loops Team Member I want to have my partner watch me type in code on a second by second basis so that he or she helps me move faster when I get stuck finding a solution.

3. As a Loops Team Member I want to have my partner tell me if they cannot understand the purpose of the variable I just named so that I can write variable names that are more clear and easier to maintain.

4. As a Loops Team Member I want to have my partner tell me if they cannot understand the purpose of the class I just named so that I can write class names that are more clear and easier to maintain.

5. As a Loops Team Member I want to have my partner tell me if they cannot understand the purpose of the line of code I just wrote so that I can write lines of code that are more clear and easier to maintain.

There is a reason why there are hundreds and hundreds of feedback loops in agile development, and why pair programming is so productive. Now I have to figure out how to document these on a table in this site.
