What Metrics Should We Have?

I am sometimes asked “What metrics can we put in place to know that our people are doing a good job?”

They never like my answer. I just want three metrics to start:

1. Are our end users happy?
2. Are our customers (the people paying the bill) happy?
3. Does our team have joy?

They look at me like I am insane.

“That is not nearly enough.” They reply emphatically, “We measure 100s of things. You can’t manage it if your can’t measure it!”

“I agree.” I reply.

“Stop managing and start leading.”

2 Replies to “What Metrics Should We Have?”

  1. Leadership pushes decisions to the team so they can spend time doing what’s important; Ensuring the team is happy, fed and protected. At the same time, Leadership is ensuring the team and customers are collaborating and communicating with each other.

  2. Exactly. And in terms of Fluid I add one more requirement. If the process as a whole isn’t working leadership makes it their primary responsibility to create, modify, and test ceremony until the problems are resolved.

    A great read on leadership is “It’s Your Ship” by Captain Abrashof, and, of course, “Joy Inc.” by Richard Sheridan.

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